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Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge is placed strategically on the foothills of Volcanoes National Park. This is one of the top visited conservation areas of Rwanda. At the northern part of the country is the angelic conservation area, known for its resident species the mountain gorillas and golden monkeys. The park is comprised of the five volcanoes among the eight of the great Virunga mountains these includes Karisimbi, Sabinyo, Gahinga, Bisoke. The lodge is surrounded by the great tropical rainforest, guests have their own choice of selection when it comes to accommodation at the lodge premises.

Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge

Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge comprises six standalone beautiful cottages that have been built on the Rwandan style rooftop. The large expanse rooms are fitted with ensuite bathrooms, spacious living areas, fire places, flush toilets, and a private veranda. The lodge is a beautiful place to explore the hidden treasures of the African continent. The main lodge area presents a beautiful restaurant where one can have a wonderful meal. Dishes of different cuisines are served, inclusive of the Rwandan style meals.

Onsite activities include bird watching in Volcanoes National Park. There are over 200 bird species of the conservation area. The well distributed trails of the forest will enable you to indulge into the forest. Expect to see many forest birds including the great Virunga Volcanic endemics. Enjoy the mountain gorilla trekking activity. It is done early mornings at 8:00am East African time. The gorilla species are known to be the world’s largest primates. These live in groups of 20 members led by a male silverback. They tend to move from place to place in search of food. It should be noted that the mountain gorillas do not feed in one point. They allow the grasses and plants to re-grow. Baby gorillas live under the care of their mothers until the age of 2 years. Once a dominant silverback is defeated in a group, it is isolated by the rest.

Gorilla trekking requires one to have a permit which is costs 1500USD. The permits are distributed by 8 per gorilla family and are scarce. It is therefore important to buy these prior to the time of tracking to avoid missing out. Hike to the Dian Fossey tomb in Volcanoes National Park. This will lead you to the tombs of the great American primatologist whose great works have been effective to date, a big thanks to the Rwandan Government for keeping up with this policy. Golden Monkey tacking is among the best of things to do while in the national park. Enjoy hiking and tracking through the bamboo forested region.

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